Thursday, July 28, 2011

Learn The Secrets To Burn Fats

                  Visual Impact Muscle

Gaining untargeted muscle is easy and over-rated. The problem with following the standard advice of concentrating on the "big 3" lifts (squat, dead lift, and bench press) is that it will most likely create a terrible looking, bulky physique. 
In fact, a little bit slim is better than overly muscular and blocky.
Think about that for one second. Wouldn't you rather look more like Jude Law versus a bloated looking professional wrestler in the WWE?
You see, even if you are a little on the slim side you can still look "cool" and hip. You can wear designer clothes. You can look "GQ", etc.

…but if you put on too much muscle on the wrong places you get that “cheesy” meat-head aura...and that is not a place where you want to be. 

Most women are repulsed by guys who are "overdone" !

 I realize that attracting women isn't the only reason to put on muscle, but it is most likely at least part of the motivation to attaining a nice looking physique.

 There are two types of muscle growth that affect the look of a muscle. 

  • Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy: This is growth caused by the increase in fluid (sarcoplasm) within a muscle cell. This is a fast way to increase the size of a muscle, but since sarcoplasm is a fluid and can't won't make the muscle significantly stronger.  
  • Myofibrillar Hypertrophy: This is actual muscle fiber growth. This adds a lot less to the size of a muscle than sarcoplasmic growth, but since muscle fiber can will make the muscles significantly stronger.

    Now...many trainers will tell you that muscle definition is simply a matter of gaining muscle and then losing body fat to reveal that muscle. They have the right idea, but this is just part of the puzzle. 

    Too much sarcoplasmic focused training? This creates that large "fluffy" look. The muscles look doughy and rounded -not- sharp and angular. 

    Too much focus on myofibrillar training?  This creates smaller dense muscles. Although the muscles are hard and angular, they tend to be undersized. 
    Both types of muscle growth have their place if you want to create a sharp looking lean and muscular look.

     ..if you simply lift to put on muscle, then you are just hoping that your physique winds up looking the way you want (I don't like to leave things up to chance).

    Instead of hoping the hard work will pay off, you should do everything in your power to give yourself the best shot at the ideal outcome.

     "Women: How to Lose Up to 16 Pounds and Look 7 Years Younger in 17 Days... While You Watch TV"

    If you are dead serious about losing weight, then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.      Here’s what it’s all about. My name is Rachel Robles and until recently, I was a 184 pound teacher. I was fat. I literally tried everything to lose the extra weight... pills, crazy diets, tons of cardio, starvation - you name it, I did it. Nothing worked. Finally, one day... I hit the jackpot!
         I swear, I’ve never seen or experienced anything like this. It’s so simple, I can’t believe nobody ever did this before. To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t have discovered this myself except for one day when I had a very curious "accident".
         I was sitting at my kitchen table (my husband called it the "pig pen") 14 months ago... just to let you know, I divorced him after I lost all my weight. I couldn’t put up with someone who was as negative, unsupportive, and insensitive as he was. I’m a new woman now, a happy woman.
         Ok, back to the subject. So anyway... I was at my kitchen table when all of a sudden, a question popped into my mind.

    So I did even more research. And here’s what I found out:

    • A simple 15 second exercise that 7 year old Kids do naturally which Primes your Body for Rapid Sustained Weight Loss
    • How to rub your belly away in 3 minutes a day (not what you think, but knowing this secret is worth the price of this ebook alone)
    • How To "Program" Your Metabolism To Burn Fat 24-Hours-A-Day, 7-Days-A-Week And Lose All The Weight You Want... Without Weight-Loss Dieting! ("Inside Secret"!)
    • Secret "vacuum" technique that not 1 in 300 trainers know about (hint: has nothing to do with using a vacuum cleaner)
    • The "trick" to hibernation that bears use to lose weight and how you can use it to lose incredible amounts of weight in a short time
    • A 20 Second "Shortcut" Technique to a Flatter Stomach --- about the easiest thing you can do to be slimmer
    • An awesome "default" technique that you can use in literally ANY situation to lose inches off your waist --- whether you're on the street or at work --- and whether you're with people or not. (Many women see results from this within a week)
    • New weight loss pill tested by U.S Marines with amazing results (this is a special bonus... read below)
    • A tablespoon of this common product attacks, breaks up, and washes out fat from your body. Watch the fat melt away before your eyes.
    • How to metabolically burn fat cells out of your body for good
    • Spend less than $12 on a week's worth of "fat attacking" foods from the grocery store and not need to spend a dime more on any other grocery store food...
    • Drop about 16 pounds in 17 days without suffering... (disclaimer: about 3-5 of those pounds will be excess water weight... BUT... the other 11-13 pounds will be pure fat melted off your body)
    • Do this "Unusual technique" while you're sitting down watching TV... activates your fat deposits which will flood into your bloodstream and be eliminated
    • The 2 biggest things that keep women who are having "average" success with weight loss from having MASSIVE success losing weight... and what women who are really good at losing weight do DIFFERENTLY to give themselves a huge advantage losing weight
    • Details of the all-new "ACCELERATOR DIET" that frightened the professionals... (It's the easiest, yet most potent diet you've ever seen... one you can live on happily for months at a time... BUT we'll tell you the most effective way to use it to lose all the weight you want!
         Well, I learned something very interesting. Until now, there has always been a common "fatal flaw" built right into the design of every weight loss program ever thought up. Because of this flaw, no one (not even personal trainers) have been able to rely 100% on their diets and or their exercise programs.
         In fact, until now, any woman like you or myself - who’s been trying to lose weight and actually lost weight - lost the weight as a result of nothing except sheer luck.

                                                    The Amazing Benefits of This Program

     What does all this mean? Here are some of the things you can look forward to:
    • The psychological secret to keeping your lost weight off FOR GOOD (When you know how this works, you NEVER have to worry about gaining any weight back)
    • The One Mistake that even doctors make about their diet that robs them of 47% of their Natural Energy
    • Why the "experts" are just Dead-Wrong in much of their advice for losing weight! (Even though a technique or program may have worked for them, it might not work for you... especially if you follow the advice of genetically gifted model types!)
    • How to avoid the energy sapping powers of cardio --- DON'T DO ANY CARDIO! Read this first.
    • How by eliminating one common food (it's not a favorite to begin with) ... your body will "reset" and peel off the pounds
    • How and why insomnia is keeping you fat and how to change that FAST
    • Before you eat your next meal... READ THIS... so you can ward off gaining weight... you NEED to do this before each meal
    • The exercise that peels off pounds while you lay back and watch TV
    • How to "Supercharge" your metabolism by putting it in a HYPER fat loss state
    • A Spoonful of this obliterates fat immediately after it enters your body
    • When, where, and how to use water to "jolt" your body into thermogenesis (note: the temperature of the water is a key part to why this works - - - don't guess wrong)
    • How to overcome the body chemicals that keep you fat
    • How to burn off bodyfat hour by hour
    • Why people in Colorado are healthier, less overweight and stay young longer than people of any other state
    • How to wake up the teenage metabolism that lives inside of you
    • How to take advantage of Recently Discovered Secret Beverly Hills Anti-Aging Exercises
    • What to never... EVER eat and drink if you want to lose weight
    • A great "follow up" exercise to do that will help skyrocket your results with this program... AND it allows you to relax for 40 minutes
    • How to "signal" your fat cells into self-destructing!
    • Two common foods that (if eaten daily) will 100% guarantee you'll drop pounds fast!
    • No starvation or deprivation diets to deal with
    • Lose weight without "really" sweating even once in 17 days
    • Energy fluctuations smoothed out in 4-5 days... giving you a continuous supply of energy throughout the day... no Ups and Downs
    • and so on...
    To know more or to order